Do you have a stack of neglected business cards in your office? OfficeHounds January Special Offer - £99
You took the time to meet these people, but when did you last contact them?
Will they remember you and your business?
Make them remember you!
OfficeHounds January Special Offer - £99
- You post 100 business cards to OfficeHounds.
- Our Virtual Assistants will user your business cards to create a contacts database for your in Excel and .csv format
- We will create an HTML email template with your logo and company colours and send an email to your list of contacts.
- Book by calling 08432 891246 or email
Bonus 1 - We will also set you up a free 1 month trial of a Customer Relationship Management system. All of your contacts will be added to the CRM. The CRM allows you to record email histories and documents to customer records. It also includes a calendar and task list that can sync with your Smartphone.
Bonus 2 - We will send out future emails using your HTML template for £40 per email. (£60 if you want us to write the email for you.)
Not sure what to say?
The New Year is a good opportunity to reconnect with people. Here is a list of possible reasons you could write to your contacts.
- Wish them a Happy New Year.
- Ask them to connect with you on Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
- Offer a special discount - be sure to let them know you are only offering the discount to people who gave you their business card
- Ask permission to add them to your email marketing mailing list
- Ask permission to add them to your newsletter mailing list
- Remind them of the products/services your company offers
- Ask a question for a blog you are writing
- Ask for feedback on your website
- Ask for feedback on your product/service
- Feature a specific service or product
- Invite them to a networking event you attend
- Ask if there is anything you can do to help their business
- Share your most recent blog article
- Share some free tips
- Send a brief video message
Book by calling 08432 891246 or email
Kind regards
Maggie Langley
Virtual Assistant / FounderOfficeHounds
Our outsourced business services include: call answering, networking follow up, CRM, and tradesman services.
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